Friday 27 March 2015

Hola Mexico Projects!!!

Yet again, I am amazed with the homework projects that the children have produced this half term on our topic Hola Mexico! We wanted to share them with you! Well done Class 3!!! You have all worked very hard!

Easter Egg Maths Hunt

Today we did a maths treasure hunt around the school grounds! It was really fun! We had to solve twelve puzzles and then an anagram! We all finished it and we won some Easter eggs! 

Friday 20 March 2015

Our very own El Castillo!

Chocolate workshop!

We had a chocolate afternoon on Wednesday which was extremely exciting! We all had so much fun learning about how the Maya people used cocoa beans to develop a drink! We couldn't believe how they used the cocoa beans as precious currency too!

Not only did we find out about links to the Maya people, we learnt how to taste chocolate, how it is made and how to create special effects with chocolate!

We were lucky enough to also make our own chocolate lolly! Thank you Alex, we had a very interesting afternoon! We now have a lot of budding chocolatiers in Class 3!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Smartie Maths

We have been working really hard in maths with SMARTIES! Yes SMARTIES in MATHS!!! Would you believe it!

We looked at the most popular and least popular colours, made pie charts, made bar charts and calculated the mode, range and mean of the data! Wow we have been busy!